We rely heavily on the flow of electrical
energy, even if it comes from solar power or the battery of our cars, to keep
us informed and entertained. These chips and parts help run all of the gadgets
and everyday items we take for granted -- that's what they have in common.
Materials can be classified into:
The main difference between these three types
of materials is how well they conduct electricity, a property largely based on
the arrangement of electrons around the nucleus of each atom involved.
1. Conductors:
In conductors, there are plenty of open
spaces for electrons to jump from the shell of one atom to that of another.
Electricity can steadily flow through conductors. Metals are the most common
conductors we see, particularly copper. Others are silver, aluminum and gold.
These conductors do a much better job of creating or maintaining electrical
energy than semiconductors do.
2. Semi-Conductors:
Most semiconductors are made from silicon.
Semiconductors do not have as many open holes (simply spaces) for free
electrons to jump into, but some electrical current is still able to pass in
smaller amounts. Manufacturers dope the silicon by adding tiny amounts of
impurity elements, also called dopants or doping atoms. Dopants might be
N-types or P-types, depending on whether they're meant to accept positive or
negative charges from electrons. Dopants change the silicon's features in areas
that the manufacturer predefined to affect the semiconductor's electrical
conductivity. Still, remember that the name is "semiconductor."
Although doping helps semiconductors they still are not great conductors.
Finally, insulators have fewer of those free holes available for electron transfers -- if they have any at all. An insulator is the opposite of a conductor because it does not allow electrons to flow easily from one atom to another -- the insulator's electrons are too tightly bound. Examples of insulating materials are plastic, rubber, glass and wood. These insulating materials do not conduct electricity and are used in electronics to help protects us from the conducting elements and the electrical charges they produce. For example, the cords from computers are wrapped in plastic coating to keep users from being shocked by the electricity running through the cord's wires.
Finally, insulators have fewer of those free holes available for electron transfers -- if they have any at all. An insulator is the opposite of a conductor because it does not allow electrons to flow easily from one atom to another -- the insulator's electrons are too tightly bound. Examples of insulating materials are plastic, rubber, glass and wood. These insulating materials do not conduct electricity and are used in electronics to help protects us from the conducting elements and the electrical charges they produce. For example, the cords from computers are wrapped in plastic coating to keep users from being shocked by the electricity running through the cord's wires.
References and Useful links: